Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cryptid Creatures From Dark Domains: The Dog-Awful Truth

They are the demon dogs from hell, the huge black canines with blazing eyes that haunt country lanes, and the phantom hounds that are regarded by some as Satan's personal minions. Encounters with the oversized, flaming-eyed canines of torment and terror have been reported through the ages and have often been associated with subsequent death or other forms of tragedy. To hear such a creature howling in the night is to tread close to danger of many kinds.


  1. https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/the-dog-awful-truth-behind-cryptid-creatures-from-dark-domains/

  2. https://spectralvision.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/the-dog-awful-truth-behind-cryptid-creatures-from-dark-domains/
