Saturday, November 3, 2012

Haunting The Past

Cognitive processes are not wholly confined ‘in the head.' When you depend on an external item to aid with cognition, such as using a calculator or writing directions down on a piece of paper, the depency on the external element creates a coupled system, one external to you and one internal to you, which together can be seen as an extension of your consciousness into the environment itself. This coupled system may, in fact, be the reason why houses are haunted. Coupled systems from the past may create ‘hauntings' where external elements of cognition linger long after the coupled system was severed by the onslaught of death. It is thus up to the paranormal investigator, not to find blips and beeps on a recording device without context, but to uncover these external cognitions still at work and learn more about the context, almost as if they were archaeologists discovering bones--left over pieces of people's active beliefs and culture--in a long forgotten tomb.

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