Thursday, November 29, 2012

Paranormal Unity - What It Means to Me

I've been hearing a lot about "Paranormal Unity" lately and even though I don't have the complete grasp of what it means as a whole, I'm going to make a guess: My guess would be that it means that no matter what we do, no matter how much evidence we have, no matter how many millions of stories are out there, we just can't win them all. And no matter what, there's going to be those who simply put their fingers into their ears, shut their eyes, and not listen. See no evil, hear no evil. There are those who just don't want to listen and it's almost like nails on a chalkboard for them to even take a moment and rationalize the possibility of their being life after death. And where does the paranormal unity talk come from? We got to stick together.

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